Gym, 2021
Gym, 2021

Acrylic on Canvas

36” x 48”

Click Here to Purchase Original or Prints

From the Airplane, 2022
From the Airplane, 2022

Acrylic on Canvas

30” x 30”

Click Here to Purchase Prints

St. Paul Skyway, 2020
St. Paul Skyway, 2020

Acrylic on Canvas

24” x 30”

Click Here to Purchase Prints

Patio, 2020
Patio, 2020

Acrylic on Canvas

16” x 20”

Click Here to Purchase Prints

Café, 2019
Café, 2019

Acrylic on canvas

40” x 33.75”

Click Here to Purchase Original or Prints

Morocco, 2018
Morocco, 2018

Acrylic on canvas

11.75” x 16”


South Minneapolis, 2019
South Minneapolis, 2019

Acrylic on canvas

28” x 22”

Click Here to Purchase Original or Prints

Chicago Street, 2018
Chicago Street, 2018

Acrylic on canvas

12” x 16”


Bourbon Street, 2018
Bourbon Street, 2018

Acrylic on canvas

8” x 16”


Gym, 2021
From the Airplane, 2022
St. Paul Skyway, 2020
Patio, 2020
Café, 2019
Morocco, 2018
South Minneapolis, 2019
Chicago Street, 2018
Bourbon Street, 2018
Gym, 2021

Acrylic on Canvas

36” x 48”

Click Here to Purchase Original or Prints

From the Airplane, 2022

Acrylic on Canvas

30” x 30”

Click Here to Purchase Prints

St. Paul Skyway, 2020

Acrylic on Canvas

24” x 30”

Click Here to Purchase Prints

Patio, 2020

Acrylic on Canvas

16” x 20”

Click Here to Purchase Prints

Café, 2019

Acrylic on canvas

40” x 33.75”

Click Here to Purchase Original or Prints

Morocco, 2018

Acrylic on canvas

11.75” x 16”


South Minneapolis, 2019

Acrylic on canvas

28” x 22”

Click Here to Purchase Original or Prints

Chicago Street, 2018

Acrylic on canvas

12” x 16”


Bourbon Street, 2018

Acrylic on canvas

8” x 16”


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